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Spec writers - If you are visiting our website, chances are you are a spec writer or specifier of products.  If you move us up into the #1 position on your specification, we’ll give you a free hat.  Please send us a copy of the specification showing the specifications page and project name, location company name and approximate bid date, and we’ll send you out a hat.  Send hat request to
cwolf@playmaxsurfacing.com.  Limit one hat per project.

Owners & GC’s - If you recently purchased a PlayMax system and want to wear our colors with pride, let us know!  Send project information with hat request to
cwolf@playmaxsurfacing.com. Limit one hat per company per project.

Reps – Are you a PlayMax rep in the playground industry?  We have limited supplies of free hats for general sales use, contact us for details at the above email address.



PlayMax has a limited supply of free 4” x 11” color vinyl bumper stickers available – stick them on your car, spare refrigerator, your notebook or whiteboard.  Get creative!  Send request to
jcampbell@playmaxsurfacing.com.  Limit one sticker per person.